When afflicted with adrenal fatigue you've got to avoid anything that may get your adrenals pumping and that includes avoiding certain feelings. Stress is one of them but fear is less often considered. Fear will get your adrenals to pump out adrenalin and so it is best not to go see frightful films, try extreme sports or anything else that may get your heartbeat racing.
You actually must avoid stimulants if you suffer with adrenal fatigue as these will make the situation worse and not better. According to your specific case, you'll feel better right there, but you are causing your adrenals to provide extra hormones and eventually you are setting yourself up for an aggravation of your condition. If you happen to feel you need stimulants to function properly then you need to test for Adrenal Fatigue. All stimulants should be avoided, including prescription stimulants, ephedra and guarana'.
You actually must avoid stimulants if you suffer with adrenal fatigue as these will make the situation worse and not better. According to your specific case, you'll feel better right there, but you are causing your adrenals to provide extra hormones and eventually you are setting yourself up for an aggravation of your condition. If you happen to feel you need stimulants to function properly then you need to test for Adrenal Fatigue. All stimulants should be avoided, including prescription stimulants, ephedra and guarana'.